You have all seen the crazy Scientology Tom Cruise video (link) well here is a really funny spoof of it made by The Damn! Show
After making this video the guys who created it got this wonderful intimidating phone call.
You have all seen the crazy Scientology Tom Cruise video (link) well here is a really funny spoof of it made by The Damn! Show
After making this video the guys who created it got this wonderful intimidating phone call.
South Australian based ISP Internode has announced that itself & a group of 9 other ISP’s are partitioning the ACCC to compel Telstra to provide wholesale ADSL2+ access.
The main points of argument are as follows:
Internode leads ISP bid for access to Telstra ADSL2+
The Letter to The ACCC
FrontMotion Firefox Community Edition is a customized version of Firefox with the ability to lockdown settings through Active Directory using Administrative Templates.
The Stig has almost been revealed in a flash photo graph, the photo taken shows The Stig‘s steely eyes behind his visor. Their is much speculation as to who The Stig really is. The cast and crew of Top Gear have been keeping this a secret for some time and theres lots of people out their who want to know. Personally with that red eye I think Terminator, sent back in time to get unbeatable lap times so that John Connor can not save… ok that makes no sense to me either.
I got this at work, now lots of orgs out there frown on forwarding this kind of junk but the reality is that this one is perfect & works.
This Really Works – (Adobe PDF File)
Now I for one don’t normally frequent fashion websites, but as a male I must pointing this out to all the other males out there that might just be interested in seeing Lindsay Lohan and some of her naughty bits.
A press release from Toshiba has confirmed that HD-DVD is dead. Toshibia ( 東芝 ) has decided it will no longer develop, manufacture and market HD-DVD players and recorders. This spells victory for Sony ( ソニー ) and it’s Blu-ray Format. Of course consumers are the big decider in the end, will they be bothered, time will tell.
Scary if your grandma