The ABC is reporting that the Office of Film and Literature Classification (OFLC) has been defaced. At present the site appears to be down displaying the message “Bad Request (Invalid Hostname)”, however the ABC has been kind enough to capture a screen shot with there article.
The defaced page reads:
This site contains information about the boards that have the right to CONTROL YOUR FREEDOMZ. The Classification Board has the right to not just classify content (the name is an ELABORATE TRICK), but also the right to DECIDE WHAT IS AND ISNT APPROPRIATE and BAN CONTENT FROM THE PUBLIC. We are part of an ELABORATE DECEPTION from CHINA to CONTROL AND SHEEPIFY the NATION, to PROTECT THE CHILDREN. All opposers must HATE CHILDREN. All opposers must HATE CHILDERN, and therefore must be KILLED WITH A LARGE MELONS during the PROSECUTION PARTIES IN SEPTEMBER. Come join our ALIEN SPACE PARTY.
The last paragraph sounds kind of odd and is very random. Funny thing is the person who has done this is completely off target when it comes to who they should be after.