Monthly Archives: September 2010


OpenTTD 1.0.4 Released

OpenTTD 1.0.4 has been released to fix various bugs, copy of change log is below:

1.0.4 (2010-09-14)

  • Change: Move removal of bin/data/opentt[dw].grf from distclean to maintainer-clean (r20752)
  • Fix: Recent NFORenum does not know ‘-?’ (r20715)

1.0.4-RC1 (2010-08-30)

  • Change: Merge the extra GRF’s sources and make it possible to rebuild them easily (r20490)
  • Dix: Empty NewGRF presets were not selectable [FS#4087] (r20694)
  • Fix: Desync checker checked the wrong variable (r20677)
  • Fix: Drawing the ‘OpenTTD’ text in the intro game caused crashes with very low resolutions [FS#4081] (r20618)
  • Fix: Crash when a NewGRF defined an invalid substitute type for a house and the NewGRF was removed during the game, disable houses with different size than their substitute [FS#3702] (r20611, r20610, r20609)
  • Fix: Retain information about all base sets that are found and not only the latest version to stop confusing people that use newer versions of the base sets than those available via BaNaNaS (r20607)
  • Fix: Let NewGRFs var43 var (information about liveries) for vehicles not be influenced by the local setting determining whether to show liveries or not [FS#4063] (r20605)
  • Fix: ‘Downscale’ a full load order to a load if possible order when removing the order while the vehicle is loading. This to prevent the vehicle from (possibly) staying forever in the station [FS#4075] (r20600)
  • Fix: Crash when the tooltip is wider than the window is [FS#4066] (r20596)
  • Fix: No (proper) savegame conversion was done when _date_fract got a new value range (r20592)
  • Fix: Autoreplace failed while attaching non-replaced wagons to the new chain, if to-be-sold-engines would become front-engines and the unitnumber limit would be exceeded (r20583)
  • Fix: Autoreplace can trigger an assertion when at the vehicle limit [FS#4044] (r20582)
  • Fix: Go via station and go via waypoint behaved differently when a train went back to the same (unordered) station again [FS#4039] (r20580)
  • Fix: Draw bounding boxes using white instead of pure white, so they are recoloured to grey in coloured newspaper instead of blue [FS#4051] (r20578)
  • Fix: Scroll button flickering when pressed [FS#4043] (r20577)
  • Fix: Warn OpenGFX users when they are using a base set that misses sprites (r20566)
  • Fix: Wrong tooltip for the company select button in the AI debug and performance rating windows [FS#4053] (r20556, r20555)
  • Fix: In old savegames aircraft can have an invalid state (r20528)
  • Fix: Crash when the content download tried to get a MD5 checksum of an ‘originally’ loaded NewGRF [FS#4038] (r20519)
  • Fix: Draw error messages in white by default, they may not have a colour set when coming from a NewGRF (r20514)
  • Fix: Entering half the ‘generation seeds’ in the console’s ‘newgame’ command failed to set the correct seed [FS#4036] (r20512)
  • Fix: Desync when vehicles change NewGRF properties such as visual effect when changing railtype [FS#3978] (r20505, r20504, r20503, r20502)
  • Fix: Desync when converting rail all as trains with a part on the converted rails need updating and not only the engines (r20500)
  • Fix: Ignore the non-stop state when comparing one order type to another order type, otherwise non-stop nearest depot orders fail [FS#4030] (r20498)
  • Fix: Non-dedicated servers failing to load a game caused the introgame to be the server’s game causing desyncs when people tried to join [FS#3960] (r20497)
  • Fix: [NoAI] checking whether water tiles are connected failed in some cases [FS#4031] (r20489)
  • Fix: Statues were not removed when towns would be removed (r20481)
  • Fix: Do not spend cash when building a statue fails [FS#3985] (r20469, r20227)
  • Fix: Adding ‘goto nearest depot and stop’ orders in one go was denied. This caused both AI adding those orders and backed up order restoration to fail [FS#4024] (r20441)
  • Fix: For docks ‘facing’ north, i.e. having the watery part a the northern side, the station joiner had an off-by-one to the north w.r.t. the station spread against the actual other (correct) building tools [FS#4022] (r20438)
  • Fix: Make snow on bridges depend on bridgeheight and make snowyness of bridgeheads depend on the tileheight at the entry [FS#3947] (r20424, r20423, r20422, r20421, r20420)
  • Fix: During world generation the snow-mapbits are not yet available, so test the snowline variable directly (as they were before) [FS#4017] (r20418)
  • Fix: PBS reservations were always displayed on halftile foundations if the railtype uses overlays [FS#4013] (r20408)
  • Fix: Make the default minimum width for editboxes 10 pixels to prevent crashes [FS#4010] (r20394)
  • Fix: Prevent buying more vehicles than allowed or buying companies when you’d get too many vehicles [FS#3993] (r20393, r20392, r20391, r20390)
  • Fix: Initialize fund-industry buttons when opening window (r20386)
  • Fix: Update cursor dimensions when reloading grfs resp. changing base graphics, so the cursor does not glitch if it becomes bigger (r20384)
  • Fix: Stop vehicle following after zooming out [FS#3989] (r20361)
  • Fix: [NoAI] Ship depots were constructed along the wrong axis [FS#4004] (r20348)
  • Fix: Fallback font selection due to missing glyphs did not work as intended (r20296)
  • Fix: When it is known the loading an old savegame is going to fail, bail out immediately (using an exception) instead of going on until e.g. the expected number of byte is read (r20247)
  • Fix: The caption of the ‘Available vehicle’ lists was black, whereas for building those vehicles, which uses the exact same window, it was white (r20244)
  • Fix: [NoAI] Clarify the documentation for AIBaseStation::GetLocation (r20238)
  • Fix: Refit costs from refit orders are subtracted from the vehicle yearly income [FS#3988] (r20234)
  • Fix: Road vehicles could be dead locked with one way roads. This allows one wayness to be removed if there are vehicles on a tile; it does not allow you to add one wayness to roads that have vehicles on them as it makes turning vehicles jump [FS#3961] (r20230)
  • Fix: ‘Service at nearest depot’ behaved the same as ‘Go to nearest depot’ [FS#3986] (r20229)
  • Fix: Depot did not become unsnowy, when snowline rises [FS#3976] (r20224)
  • Fix: Strip non-printable characters before showing it in an edit box, so when renaming a vehicle type you won’t get the ‘SETX stuff’ that some NewGRFs use [FS#3974] (r20220)- Fix: NewGRFs that defined a vehicle without either loaded or loading groups could crash OpenTTD [FS#3964] (r20199)Fix: [NewGRF] GetNearbyTileInformation can be used to get the terrain type of a MP_VOID tile [FS#3963] (r20197)
  • Fix: [NewGRF] Vehicle var FE bit 6 did return incorrect values for new railtypes (r20175)
  • Fix: Inconsistencies w.r.t. to km/h vs km-ish/h as ‘base’ unit for aircraft speeds [FS#3870] (r20164)