The original:
Death Metal Version:
The original:
Death Metal Version: – Unhappy about Australia’s proposed internet filter? The best thing you can do to fight it is help your mum understand that it won’t work.
If you don’t already have a copy of Portal then don’t miss your chance to get it for Free, Valve is giving away Protal for Free for Windows and Mac OSX. This offer only lasts until May 25th 2010 so you better get in now before it’s to late.
The default username and password for the Fuji Xerox Document Centre 286 Default Password is as follows:
Username: 11111
Password: x-admin
When accessing the web interface of the Fuji Xerox Document Centre 286 if you attempt to change any settings you will be prompted for this username and password.
This is the full footage from the assault of an Anti-Scientology protester by Nicole Cassandra Andersen on September 19th 2009, outside the Scientology Mission in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Proving that Scientologists are indeed the most ethical people in the world.
Follow these instructions:
Remember don’t try to log into the account until the 14 days have passed or your account will be reactivated.
The guys working on OpenTTD have released an update to address some security issues:
The change log is available from the OpenTTD website.