It’s possible to to use Powershell to export lists of users who are allocated different licences in Office 365. This guide will help you export a csv file that contains a list of the users who have a specific license type.
Part 1 – Connecting to Office 365 with Powershell
- First open a powershell console enter the following:
$UserCredential = Get-Credential
- You will be prompted for your Office 365 username and password
- Now we must establish a conenction using the stored credentials:
Connect-MsolService -Credential $UserCredential
- Now that you are connected to Office 365’s powershell interface you can now issue commands to Office 365.
Part 2 – Listing Licences in your account
Enter the command:
This will display a list of licences and the number of each you own and are utilised.
AccountSkuiD: <instancename>:<licencename>
ActiveUnits: The number of licences available based on your subscription
WarningUnits: Licenses in warning state
ComsumedUnits: Licenses in use and assigned to users.
Part 3 – Exporting the Data for a specific Licenes Type
Enter the following command, this will export a list of users with Power BI Standard license assigned to them. Remember to change <instancename> to match the instance name displayed in your output from part 2.
get-MSOLUser -All | where {$_.isLicensed -eq "TRUE" -and $_.Licenses.AccountSKUID -eq "<instancename>:POWER_BI_STANDARD"} | select displayname,userprincipalname,isLicensed | export-CSV c:\crmstandardusers.csv
You will now have a CSV file containing a list of the users with the specified license. You can perform this with any licenses listed from the Get-MsolAccountSku command.