So I wanted to deploy Real Alternative 1.75 on my network at work, but low and behold I can’t find a pre-made MSI file that anyone has produced (and publicly shared). So I decided to make one myself.
And unlike all those other snobs I’m going to share it with you all.
- This is a full install based on the Real Alternative 1.75 setup
- It installs Menu Shortcuts in Accessories\Entertainment\Real Alternative
- “Uninstall Real Alternative” has been removed from the menu shortcuts
Build Process
Download a copy of Real Alternative from Codec Guide. I’m going to make this short and simple. Basically I’ve built a fresh install on Windows XP in Virtual PC, ran Windows Update so that Windows was current, installed WinINSTALL LE 2003 and then Ran through the WinINSTALL process to create an MSI.
Note: When installing WinINSTALL LE 2003 disable your network adapter, this will get you past the registration error.
Pingback: QuickTime Alternative 3.0.1 MSI Installer « Web White Noise
Pingback: QuickTime Alternative 2.92 MSI Installer « Web White Noise
Pingback: QuickTime Alternative 2.90 MSI Installer « Web White Noise
Pingback: Real Alternative 2.0.1 MSI Installer « Web White Noise
Pingback: QuickTime Alternative 2.70 MSI Installer « Web White Noise
Pingback: QuickTime Alternative 2.80 MSI Installer « Web White Noise
Pingback: Real Alternative 1.90 MSI Installer « Web White Noise
Pingback: Real Alternative 1.84 MSI Installer « Web White Noise
Pingback: Real Alternative 2.00 MSI Installer « Web White Noise
Pingback: Real Alternative 1.82 MSI Installer « Web White Noise
Pingback: Real Alternative 1.80 MSI Installer « Web White Noise