2Clix Claims Case Withdrawal

Rumor has it that 2Clix have dropped their case against Whirlpool, but not according to the records of the Queensland Supreme Court that may not be the case. At this point it has not bee confirmed by 2Clix solicitors, and Whirlpool has had trouble getting an answer out of them. This is leaving everything up in the air at present with nothing being for certain.

It now appears as though it is true. Whirlpool received a response late today from 2Clix solicitors Turnbull & Co, stating that it has received instructions to discontinue the case and that it will “attend to preparation of the Notice of Discontinuance”.

So at this point it looks like a victory for Simon and his member base.

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  1. Pingback: 2Clix Claims Case Withdrawal – Update « Web White Noise

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