Category Archives: Internet / Online

Google ISP Throttling Detector

Google has been continually trying to rattle the internet service provision industry over net neutrality. Their next step in a fight that they are more than equipped to handle is to develop a tool that detects if your ISP is interfering with your data flow.

Here is a question for you all, what will these ISP’s do if Google starts killing the ranks of websites hosted on their networks and the customers want to know what going on with their page rank. Could Googles detection system be added to Google Bot and be counted as part of your page rank?

Would suck to be you if your host of choice is an ISP that isn’t net neutral in Google’s eyes, then again that wouldn’t be very neutral would it.

Google To Develop ISP Throttling Detector

Broadband Users, Prepare for Wallet Rape

Simon Hackett, Managing Director of Internode describes, in the most accurate way I’ve seen, how we the internet user are about to have our wallets raped horribly. (Business, Private users, it applies to us all)

While the title of my post is harsh, the sentiment is about right. The issue in Australia is price for service, it’s simple, yet stupid politicians from both parties are to blind to see the forest for the Telstra monopoly idea (FTTN – Fibre to the Node). Reality is it’s to expensive now, anything done needs to drive the Price For Speed (PFS) rate down.

Internode now has a SourceForge Mirror

Finally some great news, my ISP of choice (Internode) has opened a SourceForge mirror. I almost fell off my chair when I seen it, after many users begging them for one on Whirlpool they have given use one. Apparently there is about 5 terabytes of information hosted by Internode in the SourceForge mirror, bringing Internode‘s total unmetered content to about 32 terabytes.

Internode Sourceforge mirror Live
Internode opens Sourceforge mirror
Internode embraces open source with SourceForge mirror

The Crime that MediaDefender Committed

Over the Memorial Day weekend in the United States, a Denial of Service (DoS) attack was conducted against Revision3. After some investigation they have discovered that the vast majority of the SYN packets being flooded towards them were sourcing from Airistdirect, specifically it’s child company MediaDefender.

You can find details on the Revision3 Blog, specifically the post titled “Inside the Attack that Crippled Revision3“.

So what makes MediaDefender think it can get away with committing a crime, specifically one that can be considered a terrorist attack?

Do You Feel Sad For This Lamp?

A few months back I was looking at a blog called Scarlet Words. The blog is written by an Aussie 20 something young lady. On her blog she had A Clever Advertisement that is produced by Ikea. I have to say I must be crazy cause, I feel sad for the lamp. Discarded on the curb, stuck sitting in the cold rain at night, looking at the ground all depressed.


Cleaver ad… worked for me.

Where can I get the Old Lamp Ikea? Cause I want to give one a home. 🙂