Near and dear…

Okay, now for something completely out of line with context of this site, and mostly just because I need to vent gorramit!

Near and dear to evryone who reads this blog would be what this post is gonna be about, GIRLS. Yes, either you like one (or more) or you are one (or, likely, more, if my female schizophrenia theory works…)…

So, girls, well, actually one girl, cos I can only like one at a time. Though I will admit I see the likelyhood of this particular situation seems much higher than I ever dreamed when I think about it.

See, girls can multitask (I can too, cos I’m half girl you know, one of my parents was a girl…). So girls can like more than one person at once, which is funny, cos they tell you they like you, then they go with some other guy, yet they still make eyes at you, and play footsies, and touch you in ways which are sensual and could be easily avoided, should they not wish the contact…

Its crud, only change crud for a stronger and more vulgar word.

All of this coupled with the fact that the guy she’s picked to canoodle with works for me, and you’ve got yourself an explosive little situation I tells ya.

So anyways, I went on a business trip, and there she was, on the same trip, and she was all, cool, and yum, and she jumped my bones, which was highly enjoyable, probably the best I’ve had, ever. Then one night, after we’d been out, we go back to her place and find ol’mate (that guy who works for me) sleeping in her living room, waiting for her to get home (turns out they knew each other long before I was on the scene), not wanting to punch on (which seemed the likely course of events had I stayed) I bowed out (bad move) next morning, they’re together. Sucks.

Now, she’s making eyes at me again, and asking me all sorts of questions I don’t want to answer, cos they make me admit I have emotions, which are bad things to have, and making physical contact in highly inappropriate ways.

Hmm, this post makes almost no sense.

Reminds me of the bad japanese cartoon porn, based on a poorly drawn american childrens cartoon, that my life seems to resemble…

Oh yeah, and um,

MAC’s are bad cos no one writes good software for them,
and PC’s are bad cos Microsoft writes operating systems that good software can’t be written for…

Um yeah. I’m going to go pretend I’m working again…

3 thoughts on “Near and dear…

  1. GreenH2lady

    Are you sure on of your parents was a girl? Not a donkey, jackass or just dumb as mud.From your comment I can understand why your co-worker was on her sofa waiting for her to get home.
    Now you know why us girls multitask!!!!!!

  2. Armageddon

    GreenH2lady, on the off chance you check this article again, I’d love for you to explain that comment… I am quite aware the language was low brow, but my mother was not a jackass, or as dumb as mud… I suspect perhaps, however, that you are.
    I do hope you prove me wrong. I did enjoy your comment.


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